17 March 2022

ORANGE TUNISIE has chosen 4S to coach its Manager's Day 2022

ORANGE TUNISIE a choisi 4S pour coacher ses Manager's Day 2022

ORANGE TUNISIE has chosen 4S to coach its Manager's Day 2022

All the week of March 21, 2022, 4S Consulting and Bernard Canicio are very happy and proud to come to Tunis to accompany, coach and train the Managers ofOrangeOrange Tunisie, to help them "succeed" in their presentations TEDx during the Managers Day.

16 N-2 level managers will take the floor to present their projects. The objective is to improve the well-being of the managers (personal confidence) and to professionalize their presentation, 4S Consulting will coach and train upstream the managers who will engage in this perilous exercise.

Create speeches for each manager to present their projects and train them to present them "the right way TEDx " in order to develop their presentation skills, boost their managerial posture and, thus, create a fluidity between the various participants.

A BIG THANK YOU to the teams and managers OrangeOrange Tunisie for your trust, and especially to Emna SouissiMhamed Salaholfa NouisserNajla ChenoufiSouhail Gharbiaicha mimouni... we are very proud to be "again" at your side, as a partner in the development and success of your teams #proud 👍

